Keeping with our exploration of the three tenets of the Finding Good mindset, the second tenet is to surround yourself with good people. You might remember that I originally phrased it as “surround yourself with the best people.” Here’s why I changed it.
In this grand human experiment we call life, I’ve confirmed a few things that never fail to make me happy: eating delicious food, riding my bike, and engaging with inspired souls regardless of their positionality (you’ll learn more about this term when the Finding Good book is released ☺ ).
Knowing this, I don’t need to know the best people. I just want to know good people. People who are also selfish. Who also know how to find the best version of themselves. Who inspire me to be better. But more than anything, they never infringe on other humans’ journey through life.
In the immortal words of Ted Lasso: be curious, not judgmental. Coach Lasso may have put his own spin on these words first introduced by Walt Whitman as he destroyed Rupert Mannion in a game of darts but did so while demonstrating how even in the face of unbridled negativity, you are still in control of how you respond to it.
That said, it is possible that the people you choose to surround yourself with are indeed the best at what they do. But above anything else, they remain curious and not judgmental.
In the book I’ll describe a few ways to identify relationships that contribute to the betterment of oneself and how to politely refuse the company of people who do not.
Thanks for following along! Stay tuned for more updates as the book gets released this October.
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