3 Keys to Finding Good

    | 2 min read
    Mike Thompson About the Author
    3 Keys to Finding Good

    Now that we’re on this journey of #FindingGood together, I want to introduce you to three tenets I have identified that define the Finding Good mentality. These are behaviors I try to adhere to every day, and have provided endless meaning and fulfillment in life:


    1. Be selfish – The most important tenet. You can’t give 100% unless you are 100%. Taking care of your mind and body first means you will have endless energy to give to the world around you. Hydrate, eat right, get outside, learn to rest, adopt a pet, grow a garden, start journaling, travel, play, pray, cry, laugh, love … do whatever it takes to feel whole.


    1. Surround yourself with good people – Creating a network of driven, like-minded individuals has the potential to yield seemingly infinite support in the pursuit of personal prosperity. Surrounding yourself with good people also means refraining from interacting with individuals who fail to add value to your life.


    1. Leave the world better than you found it  –  Show kindness to strangers, be compassionate to animals, volunteer for worthy causes, be a good steward of the environment. These are all behaviors that satisfy the human need to engage in pro-social activities and fulfill my own desire to effect positive change in the world.


    And remember, the first tenet, preservation of the whole self, is key – the moment we become a lesser version of ourselves, our impact on the world around us can quickly diminish.


    Keep finding good, y’all!

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